GIS is an important information system for owners, operators and managers of utilities and infrastructure. GIS serves many agendas and operations in the company. With twiGIS, you can make your user’ jobs easier and get the data out to all employees, thereby assessing the value of the data and associated processes.
More than 10k end-users using twiGIS in daily enterprise operations in various application areas.
Capable to manage huge datasets with hundreds of classes and layers of millions of features and records.
Managed area in various projects
Ease of use and natural performance were among the key reasons for the creation of twiGIS. And it continues to be a major consideration for the design and inclusion of new features and the ongoing optimization and evolution of the application.
As a simple application or a complex platform, it is primarily used to deliver digital support for data management and the performance of diverse agendas, especially in the fields of infrastructure, civil engineering, technology or GIS, BIM and CAD in general.
The objective is simple: to assess the value of existing data, information environments and processes, by making them as widely and naturally accessible as possible to all stakeholders concerned.
User-centric and optimized UI loads in a few seconds, responds in fractions of seconds.
Access data and agendas anywhere, anytime, on any device. A fine-tuned responsive web UI increases work efficiency and popularity with end users.
Integrated graphical and attribute data is displayed and managed through uniform forms and workflows.
twiGIS as a linking element for data and workflow integration. Easy and comprehensible presentation of integrated data.
Output in the form of spreadsheets for further processing, or in the form of graphical reports with an option of integrated map, media and custom data.
A simple and effective way to present any input data - whether from databases, DWG or DGN drawings, public sources or exotic data formats.
Publish data integrated to other databases and business information to anyone.
Visit our roadmap to get more information on twiGIS evolution: expected features for future releases, overview of released versions with key features described with examples. Enter or vote for noew ideas.
The twiGIS platform has been implemented in a number of real and practical applications. From small projects that help a few users in their daily agenda, to large-scale implementations in large corporations where twiGIS serves as a major enterprise system, integrating data and workflows for hundreds or thousands of internal and external users.
Discover the features and capabilities of twiGIS with several live demonstrations available.